Terms of registration, attendance and cancellation

These terms are valid for all Orbis participants


Registration is open via the Finnish scout membership application Kuksa between December 1st 2024 and February 28th 2025. Registrations submitted elsewhere are not accepted. Registration is binding The registration is binding. The attendance fee is paid in full when registering. By default, only fully paid Kuksa registrations are considered. For subsidized attendance please refer to chapter Stipends.

The registration is valid as soon as the attendance fee is paid. The event organizer has the right to limit the maximum number of event participants if necessary.

A day camp fee entitles for 24 hours at camp, containing meals from dinner on the arrival day until lunch on the departure day, camp programme and accommodation in own tent.

For participants under 18 years of age, the registration is done by the guardian with his/her Kuksa credentials. Support for creating such guardian credentials is provided by the local troop’s membership official.


Suomen Partiolaiset – Finland’s Scouter offers its members a possibility to apply for stipends to cover the Orbis attendance fee partially. The application process co-incides with the enrollment to camp (Dec 1st 2024 to Feb 28, 2025). After the enrollment period, applying for a stipend is no longer possible.

The stipend applications are confidential. A review group, separate from Orbis organisation, processes the applications. Participant agrees to his/her information being available to said review group. No appendices to the application are necessary.

There are stipends worth 77 €, 117 € and 58 €. To avoid fraud, the applicant’s own local troop has to formally support the application. The stipend can be smaller but not larger than the one applied for. Stipend cannot be larger than the attendance fee of the participant. Attendance for selected day(s) only is not eligible for stipend.

The conditions considered are the number of household members, income, physical restrictions, underlying illnesses and financial situation. In addition to the above, also other reasons as well as the number of household members attending Orbis can be considered.

The stipend decisions will be informed directly to the applicant by April 1st, 2025. If a stipend has been applied for, the attendance fee does not need to be paid during enrollment process. Should the decision be negative, or the stipend lower than the amount applied for, the participation can be cancelled free of charge for 2 weeks. This needs to be done in writing, using info@orbis2025.fi. If the stipend does not cover the entire attendance fee, the difference will be invoiced to the participant

Cancellation due to illness, cancellation quarantee and transferral of attendance

In case of illness

In case of accidents or illness that prevent attending Orbis, the attendance fee will not be returned. However, it is possible to apply for reimbursement from insurance. Primary route is via own insurance company, secondary via the insurance included in the Suomen Partiolaiset – Finland’s Scouter membership fee. (https://www.partio.fi/partiolaiselle/jasenpalvelut/partiovakuutus/).

Cancellation warranties

Warranty for work and Finnish Defence Forces/non-military service related cancellation until June 1st, 2025

Should the Orbis attendance overlap mandatory work assignments or assignments by the Finnish Defence Forces, the participants have a right to cancel or shorten Orbis attendance. This warranty applies for the participant and his/her eventual children born 2019 or later.

To activate the warranty, the applicant must present a certificate (in free format) signed by the employer, Finnish Defence Forces or the Finnish Center for Non-military Service. The attendance fee, or in case of shorter attendance at Orbis, the difference between initial and new fee, will be returned to the applicant.

Accessibility warranty until June 1st, 2025

This warranty entitles a participant to cancel their attendance if Orbis organization is unable, even after considerable effort, to fulfill a valid accessibility requirement. To apply for the accessibility warranty the participant must contact the camp organization at info@orbis2025.fi and inform of said requirement.

The Orbis organization has the primary right to attempt to fulfill the requirement and the participant must co-operate by communicating with the Orbis organization to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.

The Orbis organization has the sole right to define if the accessibility requirement is non-negotiable and if the organization has taken necessary measures to meet the requirements. The accessibility warranty also applies if the participant would need a personal assistant at camp but is unable to procure one. To apply for the warranty, a doctor’s certificate or equivalent defining the special needs to be presented.

If the conditions of a warranty are met, the attendance fee will be returned to the applicant. If the attendance fee has been subsidized with an Orbis stipend, the stipend will be withheld from the fee returned. The participant will thus only receive the fee paid by them.

Transferring the attendance to another participant (possible until June 1st, 2025)

The person transferring the attendance is responsible for finding the replacing participant and any agreement of reimbursing the participation fee. Pohjanmaan Partiolaiset ry will not invoice the new participant or reimburse the original participant.

The transferral can only concern the same attendance time and same age group.

If the original participant has paid for a child born 2017 or later, the participation of said child can be cancelled and that fee re-imbursed. Likewise, the new participant can enroll a child born 2017 or later upon attendance transferral.

If you are not able to find a replacing participant, please cancel your participation by contacting the project office at info@orbis2025.fi. In such cases, the attendance fee will not be reimbursed.

Any cancellation based on these conditions and warranties, as well as changes to participant information must be informed to info@orbis2025.fi.

Attendance fee and conditions of payment

An attendance fee paid in full is a pre-requisite for entering the camp area.

The attendance fee is paid while registering, using the offered on-line payment methods.

Stipend applicants will be invoiced after the stipend decisions (unless the stipend covers the fee fully). The payment must happen within 14 days. The invoice will bre sent to each participant according to the payment method selected in the membership registry Kuksa.

Attendance fees will not be reimbursed, with the exception of separately defined “attendance warranties”

Personal assistant at Orbis

It is possible to attend Orbis with a personal assistant. The registration process follows the standard registration process where applicable. The personal assistant’s attendance is free of charge.

Removing participant from camp or pre-mature exit from camp

In situations where a participant presents severe danger or disadvantage to others or him(herself, a parrticipant of age can be sent home on his own expense during the camp. Attendance fee will not be returned. If the participant in question is a minor, a guardian will be summoned to fetch the participant. The attendance fee will not be returned or expenses paid.

Orbis is free from inbtoxicants. To bring, have or consume alcohol, drugs or other such substances at camp area or during the camp is strictly forbidden. Also arriving or presenting oneself as intoxicated is forbidden. In such cases measures will be taken immediately. If minors are involved, child welfare notification will be raised and parent/guardian notified to come and collect the minor. Attendance fee will not be returned. If the participant in question is a minor, a guardian will be summoned to fetch the participant. The attendance fee will not be returned or expenses paid.

To carry or consume drugs is an offence that will be notified to the police.

If a participant or guardian chooses to abort attendance at Orbis, The attendance fee will not be returned or expenses paid.

Force majeure / cancellation of camp

The Organizer is not responsible for any change or damage that is caused by a force majeure beyond its reasonable control and which the Orrganizer cannot reasonably be expected to have considered at the time of registration and whose consequences could also not have been reasonably prevented by the Organizer, such as war, rebellion, pandemic, a measure or recommendation by an authority that prevents performance, a strike or similar exceptional circumstances in Finland.

These situations also include damage caused by a natural phenomenon, such as a forest fire or a major storm, particularly in the intended area of the event or in its immediate vicinity, that prevent the organization of the event. In such cases, the Organizer has, at its own discretion, the right to cancel or end the event early or make changes to the event, including its content, method of organization, time, duration and place.

If the event has to be cancelled or ended early or the event is postponed to a time that does not suit a participant, the participation fee will be refunded to the participant, less the share that has already been tied to event organization and that cannot be recovered from the payment recipient or ultimately the insurance company.

If a participant has received a stipend for participation, the portion if the attendance fee covered by that stipend will not be returned to the participant. Thus the stipend cannot be used to cover attendance in any other event or activities provided by the Organizer or elsewhere. A stipend can be transferred to an eventual new date of Orbis. But if the timing of it is not suitable for the participant, stipend cannot be used for any other purposes. If the stipend has covered just some part of the attendance fee, the participant may be entitled to return of the part of the attendance fee paid by him/herself under similar conditions as participants who have paid in full.

In case of questions about registration, attendance and cancellation, please contact info@orbis2025.fi

Special terms for international participants

International participants under the age of 18 must arrive in the camp as part of a group coordinated by their country’s Guiding and Scouting organization.

The participation fee is invoiced through the participant’s Guiding and Scouting organization. The payment schedules and specific terms of payment of the participation fee are determined separately by each foreign Guiding and Scouting organization. Each member of a foreign Guiding and Scouting organization must comply with the terms and periods of payment for the participation fee given by their Guiding and Scouting organization.

A paid participation fee is a requirement for entering the camp area and participating in the cam

The participation fee is not refunded in the case of an illness or accident. However, participant’s own insurance may cover the participation fee. Each international participant (group members and ISTs = international service team members) is obligated to obtain travel insurance that covers the costs of any direct and indirect treatment and other costs due to an illness or accident and transport back to the home country, if needed.

Travel costs to and from Finland or within Finland are not included in the price of the camp. It may be possible, with prior agreement, to purchase transportation to and from the camp site to and from 3 entry/drop-off points (Oulu airport and Oulu railway station in Finland and Haparanda in Sweden)

All cancellations and changes to submitted registrations should be sent to info@orbis2025.fi.

Terms have been changed 4.12.2024 at: Transferring the attendance to another participant (possible until June 1st, 2025). Year of birth has been changed from 2018 to 2017.