Accessibility at Orbis

The information on these pages will be updated as the camp approaches.  

One of the Orbis objectives is to make it accessible for everyone. For this purpose, two accessibility chiefs have been assigned.  But accessibility is not something they can do by themselves: we all must be held responsible. 

When registering, please tell about your accessibility needs very specifically. It makes it possible to recognize each person’s needs as well as possible.  Such needs can include the aids/devices you use, electricity for the devices, special diet and sensory sensitiviness. You will be contacted to align on if and how we could meet each requirement.  

The camp will be built and ran considering nature and the terrain. We will be in the great outdoors for the entire duration of the camp. Each scout camp is ran on the conditions the camp site dictates and enables; Orbis will be held in a forest on the coniferous forest zone. 

Accessibility warranty 

This warranty entitles a participant to cancel their attendance if Orbis organization is unable, even after considerable effort, to fulfill a valid accessibility requirement. 

The Orbis organization has the primary right to attempt to fulfill the requirement and the participant must co-operate by communicating with the Orbis organization to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.  

The Orbis organization has the sole right to define if the accessibility requirement is non-negotiable and if the organization has taken necessary measures to meet the requirements. The accessibility warranty also applies if the participant would need a personal assistant at camp but is unable to procure one.  

To apply for the accessibility warranty the participant must contact the camp organization at by June 1st, 2025 and inform of said requirement. A doctor’s certificate or equivalent defining the special needs to be presented.  

Accessibility so far 

  1. At Orbis2025, everyone is treated equally. Everyone must have the right to be who they are and have access to the same information and services as others  
  2. There will be peaceful places where the participants can retreat to. Meals will consider special diets. 
  3. No pets are welcome at Orbis2025. This decision has been made to account for fears, allergies and compact tent accommodation areas. The decision includes guiding dogs, too.  
  4. Economic accessibility has been considered. Participants can apply for stipends that cover the attendance fee partially or fully. This offers equal opportunity for attendance regardless of financial situation. 
  5. The camp is open for scouts and guides of all ages as well as those wishing to try out scouting.  
  6. International participants (13 years or older) are welcome at Orbis.  
  7. It is possible to attend Orbis with a personal assistant  
  8. If necessary, the camp units can have a volunteer assigned as PartioKamu, “scouting buddy”. More infomration ant Finnish National Scouting & Guiding Organizations’s (NSO) web page:  PartioKamu 

The terrain at Orbis2025 campsite

The camp will be organized in Säräisniemi, Vaala. An asphalt road goes around the camp perimeter. It is used when moving from the tent accommodation areas to the daily programs and the main stage. The campsite is circa 1 km long. The terrain is relatively flat.   

The camp gate and the tent accommodation area are next to a motor road.  

The camp area is coniferous heath forest, main trees are pines. The cam units are mainly on soft forest terrain. Wide forest paths criss-cross the area.

The main stage is situated circaa 500 meters from the camp gate. It will be built on an asphalt-covered parking lot.  

There is a sandy beach on one end of the asphalt road. Distance from the main stage to the beach is circa 100 meters. One can walk along a steep asphalt road or stairs down to the lake. 

Special needs and restrictions regarding accessible entry to all areas of camp will be considered when the physical camp environment is designed and built.  

Contact information 

Two volunteer accessibility chiefs are involved already during the planning stages. They cooperate with all the other volunteers. They consider all camp participants and their eventual special needs as well as possible. E.g. physical, mental, social, economic, developmental and neuro-psychological special needs are in their scope, as well as identity diversity. 

The accessibility chiefs will raise awareness on accessibility. They will attend the entire duration of the camp. You can contact them before and during the camp. 

Jenni Sipilä 

Ronja “Tippa” Vaaranen 

Regional Scout Organization Coordinator 
Noora Småträsk 